Monday, August 15, 2016
Asphodel Studio in SAYS.COM!
Asphodel's Studio was in SAYS.COM!
We didn't know until 2 weeks later, when a friend sent me a notice.
It might be small, yet great for us, considering us to be in the same picks as Bebebundo and Whimsigirl!
By us, I meant me and my clueless hubby who asked, "What's SAYS.com?" right after "Congrats, baby!"
I'm in the middle of re-branding, yet all are done pretty slowly, since there's lots of orders to be delivered and less and less of time to do all planned stuff.
We're reaching 1 soon! Will complete all by then hopefully.
August 16, 2016.
Friday, April 8, 2016
New Member in the house.
Apparently i have too much ideas going inside my head, and my friend who tailored all Asphodel's Studio orders decline new design as well as adults line.
With the new imported kimono fabrics and cheaper prices, with continuous support & demand, i can already invest on adult clothing line; yet to make the price cheaper, hubby suggested that i sew them myself.
Hence the new member of our family and enrollment to sewing classes.
We're hitting 1 year old this coming September. By then, I'm aiming to be able to sew the orders on my own.
Wish me luck!
hime s.
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Asphodel's Hut
for some reason, upon opening Blogger.com, i'm in my Blogspot account.
had left blogging for a year since i forgot the password, and since hubby stopped doing his reviews at black plastic life.
reading the previous posts, okay, a year has made a whole lots of differences.
now striving with things i love to do and works that makes a routine life, gonna start to write what's happening in between, so that whenever i feel like giving up, wish that the me who's still full of hope and struggles would lift me up.
march 3rd, 2016.
had left blogging for a year since i forgot the password, and since hubby stopped doing his reviews at black plastic life.
reading the previous posts, okay, a year has made a whole lots of differences.
now striving with things i love to do and works that makes a routine life, gonna start to write what's happening in between, so that whenever i feel like giving up, wish that the me who's still full of hope and struggles would lift me up.
march 3rd, 2016.
Monday, March 24, 2014
week 36 and new portfolio tumblr :D
semalam gi majlis tunang kazen hubby, pastu balik tu kitorang lepak amcorp and then midvalley sebab kononnya aku nak menghilangkan rindu kat artfren. sampai2 je aku singgah toilet, and then aku notice ade bleeding sikit. masa tu da cuak giler sebab aku dah 36 weeks, and minah2 keliling aku (akak aku, colleague aku etc) kebanyakannya beranak time 37 weeks. so kitorang pun balik putrajaya gi hospital terus.
macam bese diorg check ctg (denyut jantung baby), and macam bese jugak bila perut kne ikat, baby memberontak giler2 dengan menendang-nendang mesin tuh. pastuh, for the first time ever doktor gi check 'jalan' sebab bila darah campur lendir keluar, biasanya tanda2 nak bersalin. sakit dowh. menggigil2 aku lepas dia check tu, pastu mule la insaf, time nak bersalin nanti lagi la..
tapi pintu rahim lom bukak pun lagi. diorg scan pulak sebab takut uri jatuh. tengok2, kedudukan uri pun ok, takde mende. aku tak penah rasa contraction lagi, so actually tanda2 bersalin memang belum ada. aku kena hold dulu sebab diorg nak call gynae aku, samada nak tahan wad or bagi balik. aku pun cakap la hari esoknya tu aku ade appointment pun ngan gynae aku tu, so bg je la balik since diorg pun agree takde mende pun ngan aku. tapi disebabkan call2 tak dapat, kena la dok tunggu lagi sejam dua sampai la aku rasa ridiculous giler dan nak balik jugak! last2 diorg bagi balik tapi masa tu dah dekat pukul 9 malam dah pun. sempat la jugak aku ngan hubby menapau kfc ngan muffin kat alamanda. nak makan sushi kena halau sebab orang da nak tutup kedai.
then pagi ni check up ngan gynae kat hospital, dia check result semalam, dia cakap it could be infection so dapat la ubat. siap dr hazim cakap lagi kat kitorang, "kalau tak bagi ubat nanti bleeding lagi, you kena datang hospital lagi, nanti kena tunggu berjam2 lagi." wakaka..pasni kalo ade apepe yg pelik2 berlaku lagi, kitrg gi check kat hospital zahrah dulu ler.. kalau betul ada bukaan ke dah nak terberanak ke, baru gi hospital putrajaya. susah gak bila specialist je yg boleh decide padahal banyak je doktor lain available masa tuh.
next appointment masa week 39. pelik gak sebab aku baca, kalau dah hujung2 ni patutnya checkup every week. tapi maybe sebab aku blom ada tanda2 lagi kot, doktor pun rilek je. anyway hubby janji kalau aku beranak takde masalah and ada duit extra drpd budget bersalin kitorang, boleh beli intuos 5! aritu pinjam intuos membe aku, sampai kol 2+ aku dok main mende tu, bes gile.
aku da bukak tumblr. letak artwork2 yang siap, most of them yg orang commission. sekarang tengah nak abeskan commission sikit2 lagi sebelum beranak, pastu mau tutup akaun. nak buat personal artworks pulak. bes jugak kalo dapat intuos, sambil2 pantang ni boleh lukis2 *hint* *hint* :"D
Monday, February 17, 2014
awesome artworks!
some artworks to share, enjoy!
james reads yang membuatkan aku mencarut everytime bukak ig dia.
richey beckett. aritu dia ada illustrate tshirt metallica, lawa gile. aku lom beli lagi.
glen ronald yang kubenci.
audrey kawasaki sob2
nanti aku jumpa yang best2 aku share lagi.
feb 2014.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
since hubby tgh bz ngan event genting, weekend aku selalu lepak kat umah je sebab tak larat nak ikut, aku start buat freelance illustration sikit-sikit. seronok sebab dalam 2 minggu ni aku berjaya buat mende-mende yang aku tak terpikir aku bole buat. character sketch, album cover, tea tin design (in progress), logo untuk tshirt, illustration untuk mystery novel (yang pastu aku give up sbb taking too much time =_=, too much detailing tapi bayaran ciput, pastu aku agak sucks untuk buat character european, x sempat nak study bila client nak cepat2), product design, illustration untuk patent/advertisement, ngan apa2 saja yang client mintak. tapi oleh sebab hari-hari tido kol 2, bangun tido pun sambung melukis lagi sebelum gi keje, sesambil tunggu hubby pick up kat opis pun melukis jugak, last-last aku x amik order dah, siapkan ape yang ada je. dulu mengade berangan nak jadik freelance illustrator, dah rasa sekali terus take it slowly. keje kat opis memang kadang2 banyak and kadang2 rileks, kadang2 tensen and kadang2 bosan tatau nak buat ape, tapi yang pastinya bila balik umah aku nak peluk hubby je tamo buat mende lain dah (actually aku nak tido je tamo pikir mende lain dah). buat benda2 craft lagi senang and tak pakai otak.
tapi disebabkan tujuan aku buat freelance adalah untuk prepare portfolio illustration, aku buat jugak bila ada order yang menarik. bagus gak kalo ade fund kat dalam paypal, aku tak penah belikan hubby ape2, duit gaji memang tak usik untuk beli figures, dah abes untuk makan-makan-makan dan simpan untuk beranak. so duit yg dapat dr freelancing boleh belanja hubby beli tf dia, wah niat sangat suci. (kalau nak botcon set tu tunggu lah ye sayang tatau la berapa bulan lagi baru cukup hahaha).
then again aku suka petang2 weekend camni, sambil melukis dan dengar lagu2 joe hisaishi, makan molten chocolate cake pacik dominos anta, peneman setia aku, baby tengah tendang2. tatau sebab eksaited dengar lagu ke sebab aku membongkok melukis, so baby tersepit. baby kat dalam perut bole tersepit ke? kengkadang aku tido mengiring kiri baby tendang-tendang kat bawah perut, bila aku beralih ke kanan baru la senyap.
event genting abes arini. i'll get back my weekends with hubby yay!
february 2014.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
weekends updates
didin't go anywhere on weekends. worked on silverbot's sketches.
perspective lari. too late to fix it anyway.
this copic costs only rm10+, much cheaper then the silver one (rm27+), but harder to control the ink flow. kengkadang pecah. kalo yg silver tuh seyes smooth giler atas surface ape pun. dulu aku dok beli set untuk pen2 ni (harga rm200+ per set untuk silver, rm100+ per set untuk grey, bole beli kat artfren kalo ade stok). saiz dia start from 0.03 sampai 0.7, plus brush small ngan medium. later on aku pakai 0.03 ngan 0.05 je, yg lelain dok diam2 dalam cawan. so skang bila refill aku beli 2 size tu je la.
transmy's interview with chinapress regarding the expo.
ok, we didn't understand a thing.
hubby with his displays. there are 13 other cases with the aim of 1300 figures (at least).
jan 2014.
beast master,
Sunday Sketches,
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
some hobbies
end of this week hubby naik genting untuk set up transformers exhibition, aku tak follow sebab kompem aku penat nanti. nak makan ni nak makan tu lagi, takmo nyusahkan husband aku (padahal nak melanguk kat umah sepanjang hari). and the following 3 weekends pun hubby akan stay kat sana for the expo, aku join masa mbr je kot (malaysian books of records for largest quantity of transformers toys exhibited; kalau tak silap aku). so malam tadi tolong hubby packing ngan tagging all the items yang nak dibawak.
since umah sewa lama husband aku dah dikosongkan, barang2 yang boleh angkut, pindah ke umah sekarang. mostly toys la. sume masuk stor, tapi banyak lagi yg tak muat. figures aku semua da masuk almari sob2. bila nak beli umah nanti, kriteria utama ialah at least 4 bilik, satu bilik tido, satu bilik baby, satu bilik tetamu, and satu lagi nak buat bilik figure + workshop. gambaree~
last time husband aku suka amik gambar figures & post kat forum transmy, so aku suggest ape kata bukak je blog satu untuk buat review. bila aku tengok balik gambar daripada awal2 sampai sekarang, seronok pulak tengok improvement in terms of photo shooting. since hubby tak suka edit gambar, dia pun try setup by setup sampai photos tu nampak ok without the need of editing. paling2 pun increase contrast sikit.
setup awal2 masa baru kawen arituh.
hasilnya camni. background yellowish, nampak kedut2 kertas. bila tengok gamba lama2, rasa macam nak amik balik katanya.
set up sekarang.
and some shots that i really like.

my favorite. thinking of drawing this one later.
sekarang ada certain figures husband aku pinjam membe2 dia untuk buat review sebab budget kne cut untuk simpan duit for our baby. thanx love! (tapi every month ade jugak la barang baru kat longgokan2 tepi dinding tu).
haritu aku beli some illustration, turned them into magnets lagi :)

and playing around with some templates.
disebabkan aku xde background design / grafik, dan x reti pakai photoshop, struggle la nak buat mende ni. pemilihan warna aku memang failed, bak kata farah, ex rummet masa kat adeled dulu. bila tengok baju aku nak pegi kelas atau pegi keje, dia akan cakap, "N, harini ko nampak macam pokok krismas."
syukurlah aku bertemu jodoh ngan husband aku yang pakai baju hitam hari2. pegi keje baju hitam, baju batik kaler hitam, tshirt sume pun kaler hitam. so dr segi pemilihan pakaian aku yang serabut, husband aku takde komplen atau komen pun :p
this time, untuk buat doorgift aku prefer amik patterns atau illustration, sebab lukis sendiri amik masa and bukan lawa mana pun. beli vector lagi cantik. tapi untuk personalized coaster, aku lukis la. nak buat magnet pun amik saiz yang kecik, sebab saiz besar mahal. haritu aku pegi multifilla, glass beads yang 19 mm tu pun RM1 sebijik. menangis aku T_T
tak sabar nak cuti panjang nex week, nak siapkan semua commissions selagi boleh!
jan 2014.
haritu aku beli some illustration, turned them into magnets lagi :)
and playing around with some templates.
disebabkan aku xde background design / grafik, dan x reti pakai photoshop, struggle la nak buat mende ni. pemilihan warna aku memang failed, bak kata farah, ex rummet masa kat adeled dulu. bila tengok baju aku nak pegi kelas atau pegi keje, dia akan cakap, "N, harini ko nampak macam pokok krismas."
syukurlah aku bertemu jodoh ngan husband aku yang pakai baju hitam hari2. pegi keje baju hitam, baju batik kaler hitam, tshirt sume pun kaler hitam. so dr segi pemilihan pakaian aku yang serabut, husband aku takde komplen atau komen pun :p
this time, untuk buat doorgift aku prefer amik patterns atau illustration, sebab lukis sendiri amik masa and bukan lawa mana pun. beli vector lagi cantik. tapi untuk personalized coaster, aku lukis la. nak buat magnet pun amik saiz yang kecik, sebab saiz besar mahal. haritu aku pegi multifilla, glass beads yang 19 mm tu pun RM1 sebijik. menangis aku T_T
tak sabar nak cuti panjang nex week, nak siapkan semua commissions selagi boleh!
jan 2014.
Monday, January 20, 2014
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