Tuesday, May 7, 2013

wip colored coaster

an illustration i did few months ago. decided to put a batik background to it.

turns out it's ok to color the coaster, the surface doesn't smear.

sleeping at 2.30 every night, finishing the illustrated drink coasters for doorgifts. 24 days left, wondering if i can do much of it.

good news, got the dress i wanted. it has an old classic style.

azran tried both white and black suits. although the white matches more with the dress, he has always looked much much handsomer in black :p

while aku nampak gile pendek dalam dress tu standing next to him. kne carik heels 6 inci.

may 2013.


  1. fuhhh.. awesome!!!

    done follow/singgah sini.. jom follow/singgah blog teman.. heee.. http://tengkubutang.blogspot.com/

    klu minat kucen leh follow blog ni jugak.. =)

  2. dear nk ty magnet beli kt mana?nk oder kt awak boleh?

    1. cuba search neodymium earth magnet kat ebay, haritu beli banyak tapi semua guna untuk doorgift. make sure size dia sesuai ngan saiz fridge magnet yg awak nk buat tu k :)

    2. http://www.ebay.com/itm/10-Pcs-Neo-Neodymium-Rare-Earth-Disc-18-x-2-mm-N35-Strong-Magnets-Craft-Models-/271203144964?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f24f79504

      some of the examples, ada banyak :)

  3. and pleasee.... sila beli kasut 6 inchi tu secepat mungkin untuk praktis jalan dulu.
    And a tip from me, kalau tak nak blister, pakai stokin tebal2, pakai kasut tu, pastu 'kembangkan' kasut tersebut menggunakan hair dryer. Tunggu sampai kasut sejuk baru tanggalkan kasut daripada kaki berstokin tebal.

    Tadaaa! Confirm takde blister. It works really well.
    Ini selepas tumit terkoyak hari tu.

    1. hair dryer? thanx for the tips! kedai sewa tu ada bagi kasut tapi besar sgt untuk aku. semalam try jalan pun berapa kali terpijak2 kain

    2. huiii bahaya tu... abunaiso... alaaa kiut what perbezaan ketinggian tu, it's not like the bridegroom is shorter than the bride... kekekeke :p

    3. yup..tapi sbb dress tu agak 'kembang', so kalo x pakai heels aku nampak pendek dan gemuk :'(

      plaaaaiiinnnnn x turun kl keeeeeeeee

    4. cntiknyeeee dresssss XD it look so fluffy <3

    5. tak tau lagi stakat nie, so tabley janji lagieeee... ngeehewhewhew XP

  4. muka laki tu macam tak nampak happy je.. :) lol

    1. aku mmg senyum skit2 je, simpan

    2. haha :) cheers
      muram tengok price kat belakang tu ke bro ahaks.. :D

      Apaun tahniah la both of you..
      semoga kekal bahagia hingga ke syurga Allah :)

    3. jangan risau, bajet wedding aku murah2 belaka. thanx a lot fr the wish! :)
