called him dak-dak, a short form of landak. a little wild, trying hard to tame him.

decided not to color the coaster, i'm sure i'm gonna ruin it. anyway, this would be my first commission, glad that Matt likes it :)
it was supposed to be for Koyuki's birthday last november. attached together personalized sticker for her and some fridge magnets :)
by the way folks, i gave up. ended up printed the whole remaining magnets. i'm desperate :p
april 2013.
landak pun pandai posing..ahaks
ReplyDeletedia bergulung tgh takut tu..
Deletealalala manja nye dak dak tu , i cant wait to have one ! tgok kat petsworld 180 ... mybe beli sekor je dulu huu
ReplyDeletebetter beli yg kecik2 sikit, yg ni i amik2 da besar, susah nak manjakan :)
Deletei prefer slow lorises XD
ReplyDeletebtw awesome hair sketch... as always :D
ahaha comel... aku amik landak ni pun sbb kazen aku bg, n encik tunang suka pets tapi taleh yg berbulu sangat,so kitrg amik la :)
Deletetenx bebehh XD
Erk, landak bukan dari senarai binatang terancam ke?
ReplyDeletemaknanya illegal nal bela as a pet?
kalau jumpa merayau2 pun pun kena bagi perhilitan atau zoo balik..
itu landak , (porcupine ) ini hedgehog :D umm kat sesetngah negara lain xbleh bela tapi kat malaysia boleh sbb tu ada jual kat petstore midvalley :)
Deleteyup2 kalau porcupine yg boleh tembak org tu kan?
Deleteitu macam ke..
Deleteso ni binatang peliharaan komersil.. la yea..