another segment by a fellow blogger who has just married, mij :)

some of interesting stuff in a wedding reception:-

easiest stuff to do, making some for my wedding :)

made some printable for the kids and bought some crayons at big bad wolf (they're cheap, only RM1 per set) i bought some children books as well for the kids corner.
classic door gift packaging
cheap, they're using paper bag and doily paper. but for 1000 sets of door gifts, i'm afraid they'll be messy on the wedding day due to cramping them in boxes, hence i didn't do these. settled with jars instead.
cloth pins for decoration

i made some fridge magnet cloth pins as door gift too :)
*credit all the images to google and their respective owners, i apologize that i could not link some of them since i directly downloaded most of them last year for my wedding reception references, and hence did not have the original links*
my last answer for atirah would be yes, u're friendly, and it's a nice blog :)
May 2013.
semua pon buat majlis wed ikut pakcik google..sebab mereka bagi sy idea yg menarik...serius..
ReplyDeleteterima kasih join bride to be =)
yup, n most of it diy, kalau plan betul2 murah je nk buat (tapi saya lari bajet jugak beli barang2 tu, tak plan awal2 ape nk buat)
Deletememang lari bajek habis byk duit dkt puas hati
Deletekan? sebab beli sikit2 every months jadi mahal, kalau beli pukal harga murah je sebenarnnya
Deletebeli sikit2 x nampak..kalau beli gedebuk memang nampak
Deleteyup2, seronok, skang dah tau banyak kedai n online site yg jual supply brg2 kraf yg murah :)
ReplyDeleterasa macam nak jadi wedding planner lar..
lol :)
erk ada masa ke? :|
memang seronok buat mende ni, tapi setakat kecik2 tu boleh la, da masuk part pelamin etc terus otak blank
Deletekalau buat part time penat kot..tapi berbaloi :)
Haha yeala kecik2 ok kot..
DeleteTgk la may sister wedding either august or dec ni macamana..
Keep it short and simple serta menurut syariah :D
Time buat olok2 seronok la.. buat sendiri punay betul2 pening jugak.
ReplyDeleteRambnag mata. :)
hehe,tatau nk buat yg mana, sume cam bes
DeleteBut simple2 je Len..
Deletesave duit.. :)
wow i never knew that all of these things actually existed.... lol kekekke XP
ReplyDeletehappy planning and preparing hime-chan! :' )
i didint know too until last year :p almost done everything, tinggal yg leceh2 nak ikat2 doorgift n fitting baju.. tenx a lot plain :)
Deletemenariknya! entri ni bagi saya inspirasi for my wedding day nanti
ReplyDeletebtw, good luck!
thanx!! :D
Deletemenarik. gudluck. :)
ReplyDeletetq! :)